Perfect Multiuso kg 5

Perfect Multiuso kg 5

Code: 10147

Self-drying alcohol-based general detergent with a polishing action. Suitable for cleaning glass, mirrors, stainless steel, doors, desks, floors and all washable surfaces. The neutral and scented formula with antistatic action removes dirt and leaves surfaces shiny and without water spots. Thanks to its excellent wetting power, it is particularly suitable for floors and glossy surfaces, since it enhances shining and avoids streaks and stains.

prodotto per pavimenti
prodotto utilizzabile con macchina lavasciuga
prodotto utilizzabile con mop
prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente
pack containing 4 drums of kg 5

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Perfect Multiuso kg 5

Perfect Multiuso kg 5

Code: 10147

Self-drying alcohol-based general detergent with a polishing action. Suitable for cleaning glass, mirrors, stainless steel, doors, desks, floors and all washable surfaces. The neutral and scented formula with antistatic action removes dirt and leaves surfaces shiny and without water spots. Thanks to its excellent wetting power, it is particularly suitable for floors and glossy surfaces, since it enhances shining and avoids streaks and stains.

prodotto per pavimenti prodotto utilizzabile con macchina lavasciuga prodotto utilizzabile con mop prodotto utilizzabile con spugna manualmente

pack containing 4 drums of kg 5