IgienOx ml 750

IgienOx ml 750

Code: 10115

IgienOx is a virucidal disinfectant based on stabilized hydrogen peroxide and quaternary ammonium salts, non-aggressive for the treatment of tools, equipment and washable surfaces.
Biocide (authorization in derogation pursuant to Article 55.1 of the BPR).

prodotto per industrie
prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente cucina
prodotto per la pulizia di superfici dure
prodotto sanitizzante
carton of 12 bottles 750 ml

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IgienOx ml 750

IgienOx ml 750

Code: 10115

IgienOx is a virucidal disinfectant based on stabilized hydrogen peroxide and quaternary ammonium salts, non-aggressive for the treatment of tools, equipment and washable surfaces.
Biocide (authorization in derogation pursuant to Article 55.1 of the BPR).

prodotto per industrie prodotto per la pulizia dell ambiente cucina prodotto per la pulizia di superfici dure prodotto sanitizzante

carton of 12 bottles 750 ml