Expert X80 - odourless multipurpose disinfectant ml 1500

Expert X80 - odourless multipurpose disinfectant ml 1500

Code: 10780

Expert X80 is a super concentrated sanitiser with a wide spectrum of action. Indicated for the treatment of surfaces that need a long-lasting sanitising action. Ideal for all washable surfaces (walls, doors, countertops, surfaces and utensils in contact with food, etc.).

prodotto per la pulizia di cappe e fuochi
prodotto per la pulizia di superfici dure
prodotto sanitizzante
pack containing 4 pouches of 1500 ml

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Expert X80 - odourless multipurpose disinfectant ml 1500

Expert X80 - odourless multipurpose disinfectant ml 1500

Code: 10780

Expert X80 is a super concentrated sanitiser with a wide spectrum of action. Indicated for the treatment of surfaces that need a long-lasting sanitising action. Ideal for all washable surfaces (walls, doors, countertops, surfaces and utensils in contact with food, etc.).

prodotto per la pulizia di cappe e fuochi prodotto per la pulizia di superfici dure prodotto sanitizzante

pack containing 4 pouches of 1500 ml