Kid Spray ml 750

Kid Spray ml 750

Code: 10071

Kid Spray, thanks to its special formula, ensures professional cleaning results and is ideal for everyday use. It removes and prevents limescale from all large surfaces. It does not damage chrome and stainless steel parts. The antibacterial agents kill germs and bacteria, leaving a pleasant, clean scent. Better results are obtained by using Kid Spray daily after a thorough cleaning with Kid Anticalcare.

prodotto per la pulizia di attrezzature varie
prodotto per la pulizia di wc e sanitari
prodotto sanitizzante
pack containing 12 bottles of ml 750

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Kid Spray ml 750

Kid Spray ml 750

Code: 10071

Kid Spray, thanks to its special formula, ensures professional cleaning results and is ideal for everyday use. It removes and prevents limescale from all large surfaces. It does not damage chrome and stainless steel parts. The antibacterial agents kill germs and bacteria, leaving a pleasant, clean scent. Better results are obtained by using Kid Spray daily after a thorough cleaning with Kid Anticalcare.

prodotto per la pulizia di attrezzature varie prodotto per la pulizia di wc e sanitari prodotto sanitizzante

pack containing 12 bottles of ml 750